

O my Creator!
I can understand that

I have been filled with the impurity
That has created a veil

Between You and me.

Due to this veil, I can’t see You

O my Creator!
I have been impure, but You are ever-pure,
Impurity has made me unfit to touch You.
It is like the untruth can’t
Touch the truth – You are the truth.

 O my Creator!
Be kind to tell me the way,
How I can remove the impurity within me.
I shall ever try keeping me pure

By following your route.

 O my Creator!
You are ever-present in front of me,
But the impurity let not me see You.
Be kind to provide me with your great favor
To remove the impurity within me.

– by Wahedul Haque

3 thoughts on “Impurity

    1. Yes, I believe. I know that Creator is omnipresent, but I can’t either touch or see Him. Why? This is my question. I think the reason is the IMPURITY within me, but Creator is pure.


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